It takes a villageFamily members often lend a hand when they have a child in a production. Volunteers are needed to supervise the Green Room where actors wait while not on stage, plan the cast and crew party, supervise ushers, and more. Information about volunteer needs and opportunities is provided at First Read for each show, and descriptions of specific positions are linked below.
Community members interested in getting involved are welcome to contact the Artistic Director about current volunteer needs. Those ready for a larger commitment are invited to consider joining the AECT board! The Board of Trustees manages the nonprofit, seeks grant funding to support AECT's endeavors, hosts fundraising events and merchandise sales tables, and more. Look over this flyer for more details about board membership and contact the board to learn more about serving. |
volunteer openingsWe need you! It truly takes a village and we need lots of helping hands during (and sometimes before!) our performance weekends. Please check out our volunteer openings for the concessions and merch tables or consider stepping in for the Green Room or other tasks. Our cast and crew members work for weeks to bring these productions to the stage, and your assistance plays an important part in the overall success of the show! You don't have to have a child in the show—grandparents, neighbors, AECT alumni, and community members are welcome!
Volunteer position descriptions
The handouts linked below give details about what each position entails so you can make an informed decision about where your skills can best be put to use! These are the most common volunteer roles, though other needs may arise depending on the show. A glossary of common terms is also available for participants new to the world of theatre.
- Concessions Helper — assist in selling concessions before shows and during intermissions
- Green Room Supervisor — keep cast members calm and quiet backstage during performances
- Laundry Helper — machine-wash costumes after a run so they are put away clean and ready for a future show
- Littles Wrangler — help steer the youngest cast members through Makeup, Costumes, and Green Room
- Merch Table Helper — sell AECT and show merch before shows and during intermissions
- Party Crew Head — work with a youth crew to plan and carry out the cast/crew party after the final performance
- Usher Supervisor — supervise youth ushers for each performance
- Glossary of Theatre Terms — helpful if you are newer to the theatre world and see some unfamiliar terms